Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I would like everyone to add comments on the blog on how new media has changed your own and the lives of your family, co-workers, and friends in the last 2-3 years. You might want to consider
some of the new ways you communicate to each of these groups.
Also, I would love to see all of you post a link to an article, blog, video clip or commentary that illustrates this. It could be about either news or entertainment.
Then you might want to find images of people communicated in new or traditional ways to illustrate you point. These images could be used next week in the class assignment with Ravi.
Tsunami coverage
More immediate images/video from this than the 2004 tsunami.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
class tonight
The lecture and practice time in the lab.
See you in awhile.
September 22, 2009 lesson chalkboard
Techies in Politics
As I was reading and reflecting on the post, I mentally fast forwarded into the future to imagine the changes that could be brought to bear on the politics of this country if even one of the two most well known techies, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were to enter politics. One such change that might come into being is in gaining and engaging the attention of the voting population. Imagine if they were to be vying for the office of President of the United States. Would either of them really need the support of either of the existing political parties or would they have the ability and the vision to start their own party?
In the past, attempts to start new parties have been thwarted by old line political and media gatekeepers, but imagine if an emerging party were able to capitalize on the most advanced aspects of the new media and the ability to enhance and even create those advanced aspects of these new media channels of communication.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Second Life/Second Wife?

As a further update to this story, good old Hollywood seemed to waste no time in seizing on this fodder and as reported in a 2008 W.I.R.E.D article, Universal Pictures has apparently teamed up with a famous director to make the content of the original WSJ article a "reality."
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
hi everyone
A couple of blogs
Thought I'd throw out a couple of blogs.
One is one of the first blogs I ever looked at (before I really knew what a blog was) -- written by a friend and a prominent blogger, Steve Garfield. His blog is called Off On A Tangent and can be found at
Another one that I look at is Universal Hub -- stories in and around Boston that might not make it onto ( )
Blogs I usually go

Hello Everyone,

Another blog I would like to Share is a discussion blogs from Hong Kong named Uwants. It is a blog that people can post all kind of topics such as news, work, live etc etc... Unfortunately, it only shows Chinese so you would need to know Chinese in order to read the blog. The link is then you can click any topic in the website. You would see people would leave messages regarding the topic and it is interesting to see how different react to news, live or work.
A Whole New Communication Arena For Me

Iraqi Bloggers
I thought to share with you those two blogs, because they were the first two blogs posted by two Iraqis, in English.
Blogs I Follow
Monday, September 21, 2009
Blogs I Have Known
Stanley Fish in the NYTimes - "Think Again".
Fish is a professor (we are soul brothers) who writes about the state of education and university life. He recently blogged about "what colleges should teach" and lo and behold he suggested writing....what a marvelous idea!
The other blog that read as often as I can is anything by Robert Kaplan who frequently writes in The Atlantic. Although Kaplan he is a conservative writer his world view is astonishing. He has written about such diverse topics as the developing culture of the American Southwest to the continuing trading that takes place on the Ancient Silk Road of Central Asia. A writer not afraid of his words!
Blogs I like
Internet Harassments
One of the problem is e-mail spamming. When we open our e-mail box in the morning, we would see there has tons of junk mails that wasted the capacity of our e-mail box. We would spend some of our working time to read and delet the junk mails. Sometimes when we open a junk mail, we might have the risk in getting computer virus. This is anohter problem in using the internet that there have thousands of computer viruses that would release personal information from our computer to the public. On the other hand, when we are viewing some public blogs online, we wwould see some people would make unethical comment to somebody's post. IT is hard for people to know who make that kind of comment. It is becasue people would make thier own user name instead of their real name. As a result, they can say anything they want wiht out considering other's feeling.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Maintaining Privacy
Assignment for 9/22
2. Log into the class blog and make an original post in which you share a blog with the class (something that hasn't been posted yet and/or something we may not have heard of). Be prepared to talk about the blog in class.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Weekly Question #1 - Revisited and Retitled: WEDded to the Web
I just wanted to share one of the wedding blogs that I was "glued" to for the better part of this past year:
On a separate note, while stuck in the airport on Thursday, I saw a cartoon in USA TODAY that was both humorous and very relevant to our class! If you are an online member (free), you can view it by following this link and then clicking on the separate link to the editorial cartoons. If not, I clipped it out (old media style) and can bring it to class this Tuesday.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
New Beginnings Old Endings
Tell Me!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
09/15 Handout
• We have a class blog at:
• To contribute to the class blog, you need to have a Google or Gmail account. If you don’t have one, you can get one at
• You will receive an email invitation to join the class blog. This email invitation is a notification email – I will not get any replies if you hit “REPLY” to this email. If you don’t receive the invitation within the next 24 hours, email me at
• Once you have a Gmail account and have accepted the class blog, you can log in at anytime at Once you are logged in, you will see the “Dashboard” which will show any blogs that you can contribute to. If you’ve just gotten started with blogger, you will only see our class blog.
• From the Dashboard you can create “New Posts” or edit any posts you’ve saved (but not published). You can comment on any other posts from the class blog itself.
• I have noticed inconsistencies with browsers, so I recommend Firefox for blogging.
• We will go over how to create links, add images, tags, and more, so don’t worry if it seems confusing and/or overwhelming. There are very good resources at