Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The future of newspaper, book and magazine

Apple recently announced a new devise that might lead to a new stage of newspapers, books and magazines publishing. When you look at the picture of the new devise, you would see the devise is a little bit bigger than the i touch. Nonetheless, it is thinner than a laptop computer that it seems to have the capability of internet connection. This new devise would allow people to read newspaper, books or magazines online at anytime anywhere. Indeed, it would provide convenience to consumer because they do not have to worry about taking tons of paper when they are going out. Nevertheless, it would solve the environmental problem of recycling paper. However, it would create a problem for the publisher in how to generate revenue from the reader if everyone is reading online. Would the new technology from Apple change the nature or reading? More particularly, would it change the nature of text book in education? What if this devise has the capability of watching video, would it change the nature of TV broadcasting?

Bellow is a article about the new devise of Apple posted by Jason d. O'Grady at ZD Net:

October 27th, 2009

Apple pitching media companies on tablet?

Posted by Jason D. O'Grady @ 8:49 am

Categories: Rumor, Tablet

Tags: Media Company, Apple Inc., Fairfax Media, Tablets, Notebooks...

Will it look like this? One concept design for the rumoured tablet.

If you read between the lines in yesterday’s post, one could conclude that Apple is talking to the New York Times about it’s upcoming tablet product in an effort to get buy in from the media giant on what’s presumed to be a completely new form-factor for distributing editorial content.

A new piece in the Sydney Morning Herald indicates that Apple’s also shopping the device to other media companies, including some in Australia:

Apple has sent specifications of the device to Australian media companies in an effort to sound out whether they would be interested in delivering their content to the tablet.

Fairfax Media’s Robert Whitehead hinted that he was aware of an Apple tablet in August.

We’re continuously examining all options for extending the reach of our mastheads and we’ll be very interested to see what Apple comes up with.

While the new Apple device isn’t strictly an ebook-reader it appears that Cupertino is setting the stage for a completely new platform for deliverings, books, newspapers and magazines.

Should the Amazon’s and the Sony’s of the world be worried at the impending ebook threat from Apple?

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